Calabash Post #7288 Commander Rick Arvonio (l) and Calabash Sheltered
Treasures store manager Maureen Pelky, present an Electric Mobility Cart
to Kevin Klein (r), a member of the Advisory Board for the Special
Operations Wounded Warriors (SOWW). The SOWW provides
outdoor experiences to a select group of both active duty and veteran
U.S. Military Special Operations Forces, that have received wounds in
battle, and that have received our Country’s prestigious Purple Heart
Medal. The Electric Mobility Cart was donated to the Calabash Sheltered
Treasures store by the family of a recently deceased veteran in hopes
of finding a veteran in need. Sheltered Treasures stores support
Providence Home, the only Family Emergency Teen Shelter in Brunswick
County and it is free to all that need their services. VFW Calabash Post
#7288 partnered with the Calabash Sheltered Treasures to find a
appropriate home for the cart to support veterans in need. A
partnership that ended in a Win-Win for all involved.
Post News
Important Info for Post7288 Members
Veterans Day Ceremony 2024
VFW Calabash Post 7288 has large turnout for Veterans Day Ceremony
by Frederick Walton