VFW #7288 Honors Those on Memorial Day

Frederick Walton - 6/2/2023

Calabash VFW Post 7288 Remembers the Fallen on Memorial Day.
By Frederick Walton

5/29/2023 Calabash- Cloudy skies and threatening weather did not keep a large crowd, cheerfully dressed in red, white and blue, from gathering at the Calabash Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7288 in Calabash for their annual Memorial day service. Veteran’s were joined by their friends and families to commemorate Memorial Day, a time to remember those who gave their lives for our country, particularly in battle or from wounds they suffered in combat. For many, with fallen family members, every day is Memorial day as they remember their loved ones who will never return home.

The West Brunswick High School JROTC Color Guard posted the national colors while those gathered rose for the pledge of allegiance.

Keynote speaker, Rear Admiral Herbert C. Kaler, USN (ret),  A life member of the post, talked about the mission and Goals of the Veterans of Foreign wars in supporting Veterans. 

"We fulfill that goal through our programs, and by going before Congress and each administration to submit the needs of America's veterans and their families. As we do, so, we repeatedly ensure that those who gave the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for America will not have died in vain.”

While commending the gathered for taking time out of their busy holiday weekend to remember our fallen heroes he pondered the question of the surviving veterans that returned home from combat.

"Let us be more than determined to see to it, that no man or woman who has served is homeless, unemployed or sick. If we truly want to honor the dead, then we must help the living."

Auxiliary president Wayne Weszka read a poem dedicated to Auxiliary members who have passed away. The VFW Auxiliary’s mission to provide "unwavering support for uncommon heroes”. The Auxiliary Placed a wreath in remembrance of not only the fallen heroes, but their comrades who passed during the past year. Commander Jim Milstead recognized the important contributions of the Auxiliary and commented that although the two organizations are separate, they work together in a  common partnership for the good of the veterans and the community. 

The commander read the roll of those veteran members that passed during the last year while the chaplain tolled a bell in their honor.

Sr. Vice President Cathy Milstead led the members and guests in the singing of "America the Beautiful”, punctuated by flag waving and heartfelt audience participation. 

The Ceremony ended with a closing prayer, a rifle salute and the mournful playing of Taps, reminding us that for combat soldiers "all gave some, but some gave all”

The West Brunswick High School JROTC Color Guard posted the national colors

Salute to the National Colors while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

 Rear Admiral Herbert C. Kaler, USN (ret) addressed the crowd

VFW Auxiliary member Barbara Hertline and Cherie Henley Place the Memorial Wreath 

Proudly singing "America the Beautiful" and Waving Flags. 

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