Heroes On the Water (HOW)

Ken Roe - 2/6/2018

Heroes On The Water (HOW)
Heroes On The Water's mission is to help warriors relax, rehabilitate, and reintegrate through kayak fishing and the outdoors.
Heroes on the Water organizes no-expense kayak fishing trips for active-duty military and veterans of the U.S. armed forces and their families. In 2018, they began serving first-responders and their families through the same proven ecotherapy. Heroes can reflect in solitude or connect in groups as they learn kayaking and kayak fishing basics. Recurring activities give heroes and their families camaraderie and a lifelong social network with like-minded people. Plus, no experience or equipment is needed, and kayak fishing is adaptive to those with disabilities. (The above information was taken from their website.)

You can view their website here: https://heroesonthewater.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ HeroesOnTheWaterCrystalCoastNC

For further information, contact Ken Roe at crystalcoastnc.ken@gmail.com

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