VFW Calabash Post #7288 likes to satisfy appetites,
whether it's for more information that helps veterans and their families
or by satisfying the hunger for knowledge displayed by fifth grade
students at each of the Post's Flag Education Classes throughout
Brunswick County. These classes instill in young people an appreciation
for the American flag, its history and the way it should be handled.
On Thursday, November 3rd
it was Waccamaw Elementary School's turn so the Post's Flag Education
Team headed to Ash, NC, to pass along lessons about Old Glory to
students whose attention was focused on the veterans and the every word
they said. After the formal presentation on the flag the floor was open
for questions and there were many.
The VFW Calabash Post 7288 Flag
Education team fielded questions for an additional half hour to make
sure the students' hunger for knowledge was satisfied.
Post News
Important Info for Post7288 Members
Veterans Day Ceremony 2024
VFW Calabash Post 7288 has large turnout for Veterans Day Ceremony
by Frederick Walton