At VFW Calabash Post #7288 Monday, October 24th
was loading day following the appeal a week earlier for household goods
and supplies and other donations for veterans victimized by the
floodwaters of Hurricane Matthew. Before the day was done, donations included over $4,000 and over 4000 pounds of goods were
loaded onto a large truck by several dozen Post volunteers, soon to be
on their way to help those who, in many cases, lost everything.
Contributions came not only from the Post members but from area
residential developments, churches, golf groups and others who wanted to
help those in serious need for help following Matthew. One $300 contribution came from Chuck Gollwitzer who is a potential member.
He left with a membership application and the good feeling that comes with helping those who need help. Bottled water
is an item much in need and Michelle Smith, floor manager at the Ocean
Isle Beach CVS store, bought and donated a pallet loaded with cases of
bottled water, just one of the many people in the community who wanted
to help veterans in their time of serious need.
On early Tuesday
morning, the large rented truck full of supplies will head to Spring
Lake, NC where a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post will handle the
dissemination of donated goods and needed cash.
Commander Arvonio says "the call went out and they's a perfect display of veterans helping veterans!"