Serving the Deserving

- 10/22/2016


At VFW Calabash Post #7288 it was a case of "Serving the Deserving" when The Warrior Ride Coastal Carolina Tour ended the last leg of their ride at the Post where nearly 60 riders and staff enjoyed a sturdy lunch of meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll and a beverage of their choice.  The Warrior Ride was founded in North Carolina by Oak Island's Bob Racine and his late wife Debra ten years ago and as VFW Calabash Post #7288 Commander Rick Arvonio said before the meal was served "We've been waiting for you and looking forward to when you'd be here," a sentiment shared by Calabash Mayor Mary Knight who told them "You are appreciated beyond words."
The lunch at the Post has become a staple of The Warrior Ride each year and the pleasure of having these disabled veterans grows each time they return.  The riders use specially fitted bicycles to make their treks in various locations throughout the United States and by doing so take increasing pride in their skills and redefine their capabilities.  There’s no cost to the service members in the ride and all expenses are paid through donations and grants.
Some of these riders come back year after year and are an inspiration to VFW Calabash Post #7288 members as they witness the increasing confidence and determination that each rider displays.

As Post Commander Arvonio said, we can't wait until you come back!

 It's always an inspiration to all who watch these disabled heroes arrive at VFW Calabash Post #7288.  It's even better to hear their stories as they enjoy a hot lunch at the Post following the last leg of their Coastal Carolina Tour on specially fitted bicycles.  This is the 10th year for the Warrior Ride, which helps injured war heroes realize their full potential.
 The Warrior Ride was begun ten years ago by Bob Racine and his late wife Debra.  Racine, left, and all the riders were greeted by VFW Calabash Post #7288 Commander Rick Arvonio as they entered the hall for a hot lunch to end their latest trek through coastal Carolina.
 Riding those bikes can build up a big appetite!  On October 21st VFW Calabash Post #7288 served up a hot meal to nearly 60 members of The Warrior Ride, which enables injured war heroes to realize their full potential by using specially fitted bicycles to make long treks in various locations throughout the U.S.  They ended their latest trek at the Post.
As Post Commander Arvonio said, we can't wait until you come back!

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