Pat's Farewell Lunch

- 9/26/2016

Pat Patterson, a World War Two Pilot who was held in a German Prison Camp after being shot down, has been a continuing inspiration at VFW Calabash Post 7288. At age 96 he’s decided it’s time to slow down a bit so he’s moving back to his native Ohio to live with family in Cincinnati. Patterson was a constant patron of Post lunches for a long time and with some sadness he was there again on September 23rd, having his usual fried shrimp and french fries washed down with a Miller Lite. Many of his friends showed up to wish him well during the new chapter in his life but sadness crept in as the realization surfaced that he’d no longer be there for lunch in the days to come. There was some light at the end of the tunnel though when he said "I might pop in once in a while, you never know…”

Post News

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