The VFW Calabash Post 7288 Auxiliary Announces Buddy Poppy Princess
by Frederick Walton
Veterans of Foreign Wars Calabash post 7288 auxiliary presented an award to VFW Auxiliary member Nina Pope during the recent monthly Auxiliary meeting. VFW Calabash Post 7288 Auxiliary Vice President Cathy Milstead presented the award while members looked on. The certificate is for her granddaughter, Caroline Emily Pope, who won the 2023-24 Buddy Poppy art contest for her drawing of an American flag flying over a field of red Poppies. In addition to the framed certificate, Caroline also received a commemorative pillow and the title of Post 7288 Buddy Poppy Princess.
The VFW Department of North Carolina Buddy Poppy Prince and Princess contest is open to all boys and girls, ages 4 thru 8. Contestants actively assist the Post and Auxiliaries with Buddy Poppy drives and other programs and events. They must also create and submit an original drawing with a patriotic theme that depicts the Buddy Poppy.
The "Buddy” Poppy has been an integral part of the VFW community since 1922. In remembrance of their buddies who never came back from the killing fields of world war one, veterans distributed Poppies, calling them, "Buddy Poppy” and the name stuck. As VFW’s official memorial flower, the Poppy represents the blood shed by American service members. It reiterates the VFW will never forget their sacrifices.
Post News
Important Info for Post7288 Members
Veterans Day Ceremony 2024
VFW Calabash Post 7288 has large turnout for Veterans Day Ceremony
by Frederick Walton