VFW #7288 Celebrates Army Birthday

Frederick Walton - 6/22/2023

By Frederick Walton


Calabash- June 14, 2023- The United States Army Celebrated its 248th Birthday on June 14, 2023. Members of the Calabash VFW Post 7288 gathered to  celebrate the occasion and honor those that served.


The U. S. Army birthday on June 14 commemorates the establishment of The United States Army, the oldest of all six military branches, by an act of the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1775.  Established to formally organize colonial militia forces rebelling against Great Britain during the American Revolution, what started as the Continental army is now a global organization comprising more than 463,000 active duty service members worldwide. 

Calabash VFW Post 7288 recognized all those currently serving in the U. S. Army and honored those who served in the past. As the oldest army veteran at the post, VFW Member Jay Bertha, welcomed attendees and recited a brief history of the Army. VFW Auxiliary member Wayne Spears, led the crowd in a rousing singing of the Army Song.

Cake was served and enjoyed by the attendees with both the youngest Army veteran and the oldest Army veterans sharing the honor of cutting the cake for their fellow veterans, family and guests.


During the celebration Army Veteran, Philip Mangiapane,  was presented a "Quilt of Valor” by quilter Julia Larson thanking him for his service.

The VFW Calabash Post #7288 welcomes all eligible Veterans of Foreign Wars to join them. They have an active social calendar and serve the community through many volunteer programs. Stop by the post for more information

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