VFW Calabash Post #7288's Flag Education Team
is always happy to speak before elementary school students about the
American Flag. It's at that young age that lessons learned are seldom
forgotten and the flag education sessions always reveal that the
students, usually 5th graders, hunger for information about Old Glory,
its history and how the flag should properly be handled and respected.
On October 20th
the team of Post members headed for Jessie Mae Monroe Elementary School
and explained flag etiquette to four classes of young Americans curious
about the flag and about the veterans' military experiences.
Old Glory in all its glory! VFW Calabash Post
#7288 Commander Rick Arvonio, at left, explains how to properly fold
the flag and what each fold means. Before the folding the flag is held
aloft for all the students to appreciate. Holding the flag are Jack
Goin, on the left, and Rich Murray while the rest of the Flag Education
Team wait to properly fold the flag.
The VFW Calabash Post #7288 Flag Education
Team is always happy when the elementary school students show their
curiosity about the American Flag and ask pertinent questions.
There will
be other flag education classes in Brunswick County elementary schools
during the school year and they are always rewarding for the VFW
Calabash Post #7288 Flag Education Team and the students as well.
Post News
Important Info for Post7288 Members
Veterans Day Ceremony 2024
VFW Calabash Post 7288 has large turnout for Veterans Day Ceremony
by Frederick Walton